Local Hawaii ingredients used with an international flair^BNanette^K^H (Gone but not forgotten) 1946-2020  Email: nanette@freerangegourmet.com Friday, February 12, 2010What to do with a recalled Priusby Larry Geller Afraid to drive your once-cool Prius lest neighbors snicker about your bad luck getting recalled? Never fear. The car has other uses, if you have lots of aluminum foil on hand and if you can open the hood and figure out which part of it is the gasoline engine. Here is a recipe for Prius Pork, from the book, Manifold Destiny: The One! The Only! Guide to Cooking on Your Car Engine. The recipe will be mentioned on tomorrow’s Splendid Table on Hawaii Public Radio, but you can get a head start if you borrow your spouse’s car or trek to the supermarket for the Hoisin Sauce and the rest of the ingredients. If you can make it through the thick prose, the recipe is near the bottom of the article, including directions to locate the gas engine under your hood. It looks like a Prius will cook about two servings. If your other car is a Toyota Camry, the book notes that the engine serves three “but sports a bun warmer, a feature seldom mentioned in Toyota ads.” Next time, buy American (snicker, snicker). The Chevrolet Celebrity GL offers six servings, according to the book. |
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